Last Updated on 4 October 2023 by Admin

After six years of leading Polygon’s revolutionary change, co-founder Jaynti Kanani has decided to step away from day-to-day operations. Although he plans to contribute to Polygon “from the sidelines,” he is exploring other options for his future.

Sandeep Nailwal, Anurag Arjun, and Mihailo Bjelic are just a few of the great brains responsible for the 2017 start of the blockchain project formerly known as the Matic network. The depth of their shared experience is shown by Nailwal’s emotional reaction to Kanani’s choice.

While Polygon has 10 co-founders, several of them are still actively involved in the company’s platform-focused initiatives. For example, due to Arjun’s recent departure, the ground-breaking Avail blockchain data availability protocol was developed.

The groundwork for “Polygon 2.0” was laid in June, when Polygon Labs began accepting suggestions. The four main protocol layers of this redesigned ecosystem will centre on staking, interoperability, execution, and proving, and will make use of zero-knowledge proofs.

Polygon’s $1 billion bet in zero-knowledge technology is more proof of the company’s dedication to boosting Ethereum’s layer-2 solutions. At the Token2049 conference, Sandeep Nailwal elaborated on “Polygon 2.0” and the revolutionary potential of recursive ZK-proof technology in moulding a malleable, interoperable blockchain universe.

While comparing Web2 with Web3, Nailwal emphasised Web3’s potential as the “internet of value.” He emphasised the need of an interoperable layer for facilitating complete ZK-proof aggregation across different chains and achieving seamless value integration.

Taniya Sharma

By Taniya Sharma

Taniya is well-versed with the world of crypto and blockchain. Her passion for new technologies got her closer to this exciting world. She has extensive experience in analyzing key market trends. Contact: